Who We Are

NSP MENE GLOBAL SERVICES & TRANS LTD. is a Private Unlimited Company with Reg. number: RC 959777, registered on 14 June 2011.

A leader in providing fully integrated professional, technical and management support services for a broad range of markets.


Our experience spans over 8 years and our clientele range from federal and state government organisations to multinational and indigenous companies where we have a strong track record of creating business value to enable our clients to derive competitive advantage in our very dynamic business landscape.

Global Vision Statement

With dedicated and motivated staff, good quality equipment and constant safety consciousness, our vision is to be the leader in Nigeria for project services to oil and gas service customers where project support, fabrication, welding, scaffolding, blasting, equipment leasing and painting, subsea inspection/installation insulation and fireproofing are concerned for the construction and maintenance of onshore and offshore facilities.

Global Mission Statement

NSP MENE GLOBAL Services Nigeria Ltd is an engineering company engaged in the provision of project support, fabrication, welding, scaffolding, blasting and painting, insulation and fireproofing services in the onshore and offshore of the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Our mission is to fully satisfy our client by:

  • Understanding their needs and expectations to enable us to build long term relationship.
  • Motivating employees to foster cordial employer-employee relationships that will ensure high success in our service delivery.
  • Adapting continuously to changing environment and new technology.

Global Quality Policy Statement

NSP MENE GLOBAL Services Nigeria Ltd is an engineering company engaged in the provision of project support, fabrication, welding, scaffolding, blasting and painting, insulation and fireproofing services in the onshore, subsea inspection/installation and offshore of the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

It is the policy of NSP MENE GLOBAL to provide clients with products and services that conform to requirements, meet client needs, exceed client expectations, and is delivered timely in a cost-effective manner.

It is recognized by NSP MENE GLOBAL  that quality is one of the most important means of maintaining competitive strength in providing products and services that meet the stringent requirements and expectations of today’s oil and gas sector of the national economy.

NSP MENE GLOBAL also recognizes the right of clients to demand high quality and reliable products and services at minimum cost. The company has therefore established and maintains a Quality Management System that conforms to the requirements of NIS ISO 9001:2008.

All NSP MENE GLOBAL  product realization and support processes are planned to meet the requirements of this international standard and meet client’s needs in all respects of quality, cost, performance, safety and reliability.

NSP MENE GLOBAL top management has the basic responsibility for the Quality Management System and is committed to continually improve its effectiveness.

Quality objectives in consonance with this Quality Policy are established and pursued at relevant functions and levels within the company. These objectives are reviewed periodically for attainment.

The achievement of these quality objectives including project-specific objectives depends on the quality attitude, knowledge and skill of the personnel, therefore, a highly competent and professional workforce capable of delivering the quality products and services envisaged for clients is engaged in the service delivery process.

The Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) Department has the major responsibility of coordination of quality activities in the company with the QA/QC Coordinator as the head. The QA/QC Coordinator has the support of top management to ensure that this Quality Policy is communicated, understood and implemented throughout the company and is continually reviewed for continuing suitability.